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with Justin Loucks + Sheena Jardine-Olade

With movement becoming smarter, rapid, and more automated, how has the way we move impacted our lives? Whether it is exercise, travel, or getting from point A to B for work and social activity, movement has become a compilation of efficient destination focused actions with little investment in the “corridors” where we increasingly spend our time. Loneliness, lack of awareness and isolation created by decreased social interactions have led to increases in obesity, cardiovascular, inflammatory, hormonal, sleep-related and emotional ailments.  So, what is the future of movement? How can we address the toll that the way we move exacts on our emotional and physical well- being? What if the future of movement is the space in between—a place where motionlessness is encouraged and used to increase interactions with nature and others?  ‘Sticks and Stones’ is about a place to stay, where (anti)movement is encouraged and fosters connection with your surroundings. It’s about getting you back to basics while improving physical, emotional and intellectual fitness through interactions with the natural environment. As you wander down a river bank, hike through open space networks, enjoy a small inner city park, or stroll out of a transit station, you notice that the placement of a large, carved rock allows you great views of a precarious edge, or that a comfortable log is strategically and unobtrusively placed for sitting to create the perfect moment between your surroundings and those with whom you share this idyllic scene. ‘Sticks and Stones’ explores the concept of integrated ‘stay-making’ and biophilic principles, where seating and placement create spaces that invite you to explore connection, experience awe and find beauty in discovery.

d.talks Movement Competition: Services
d.talks Movement Competition: Gallery
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