with Leo Josephy
Envirofest was a campus wide festival aiming to engage students in environmental activities, awareness and activism. An anonymous green handprint campaign drove the advertising. First, bright yellow posters with nothing more than a green handprint and a website were postered around campus. A week later, a group of volunteers armed with green, non-toxic, washable Crayola paint covered the public realm with their own handprints. This was followed up with another poster campaign, driving additional traffic to the Envirofest website, which listed the activities and events being hosted in conjection with the festival. Often, environmental concerns can seem overhwhelming and leave environmentally concerned citizens feeling helpless. In response to this, we chose to use students’ handprints to symbolize the contribution and impact that each individual can have on the environment. I contributed to the brainstorming of the festival name, development of the handprint concept, poster design, and execution of the posters and handprints.